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Gear Up for Adventure on a Shoestring Budget

Are you itching to head out into the wilderness on your own adventures but can't afford the gear you need? This is the series for you. You'll learn what to look for and where to find it to get what you need for one-tenth of the cost of new gear.

This post is the where, but not the how. Stay tuned for upcoming posts in which I'll cover how to shop for used clothing, kayaks, backpacks and more.

Rules of Frugality
I love this list, and I use it when I'm tempted to buy something new. If you think you need to buy something, start at the top, and hopefully you'll find a solution before you get to #6. 
  1. Find an alternative you already own 
  2. Borrow it 
  3. Rent it
  4. Buy it used
  5. Pitch in with another person to get it
  6. Buy new
Another rule of frugality is caring for what you already own. This means knowing how your gear should be stored and cleaned to make it last as long as possible. I'll get around to writing a post on that at some point, hopefully...

Click the keep reading to learn where and what to buy used....