Many of our clients who come from Dubai wonder what we do for fun here in the small town of Dibba. From the outside I'm sure Dibba seems pretty boring. We don't have much- two gas stations, two small convenience stores and one restaurant; plus lots of goats and fisherman. What Dibba lacks in exciting entertainment, it makes up for with a plethora of outdoor beauty. Plus I live with my coworkers- it would be pretty depressing if a bunch of outdoor guides couldn't have a good time in a beautiful place. As my good friend Elise used to say- "I do have a degree in FUN you know..." Oh and our boss gives us access to all the company equipment on our days off. We definitely make the most of it.
Last week, we spent one day hanging out at the beach. Stephen brought his skim board for us to test out.

None of us were good at skim boarding except Stephen who is basically a pro.

The five of us

    Today, we met up with a big group of climbers from Dubai in Wadi Khab A'Shamsi and spent a few hours climbing up some new routes and making new friends.

Tony up on a route.

    Today, we met up with a big group of climbers from Dubai in Wadi Khab A'Shamsi and spent a few hours climbing up some new routes and making new friends.