I love making things myself. I've always dreamed of having my own outdoor brand- not a very feasible business idea that I would pr...
DIY Tiny Custom Deodorant I am so picky when it comes to deodorant, and have never found my favorite kind abroad. I typically travel wi...
Tony doing some yoga in Yosemite wearing Prana Stretch Zion Shorts Another pair of Prana Stretch Zion Shorts The clo...
Outdoor gear is expensive, and if you're like me, you're hard on your clothing and equipment. I take great care of my gear and use ...
I paddled this kayak on every trek I lead from 2009 to 2012. I racked up somewhere around 900+ miles in it, in all kinds of cond...
Our first day of work...
Several days ago we had our first day of work. We had a large group of 40 or so students from a local private school. Many of them were from the region with a few from other places like Australia and the United States. In the morning, they rock climbed indoors, took on the Jacob's ladder and did a low ropes course. After lunch, we lead them in a few initiatives. The kids are pretty much just like kids back home and did pretty well at all the challenges. Here's a few photos of our first group: