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Super Powers and Full Frontal Nudity
(Sorry Mom and Dad)

This is the story of how I discovered my super-power, and how I am unable to share the single best photo of myself because in it, I was naked. If you’re wondering what this has to do with adventure, just keep reading. 

By August of 2013, my friends in North Carolina were accustomed to my being out of the country more than I was than in it. I had spent the better part of a year working as an outdoor educator in Oman, did a high altitude trek in Nepal, and then spent the summer in California teaching horseback riding. Two close friends from high school decided that this was the perfect moment for an epic road trip. They flew to meet me in San Francisco and the three of us drove back east, trying to pack in as many sights and shenanigans as we could. 

On the first day of our trip, one friend hesitantly shared with us a goal she wanted to achieve, that she could not fulfill without our help. She wanted to be photographed naked in the desert. This wasn’t a sexual thing- it was about freedom and artistic expression. We said yes without hesitation. What are friends for, if not to help you live your best, weirdest life?